Julio Angueira

Mohamed Rebeã

Mohamed Rebe£ - Algeria

vermont horse property Hmm that is a little concerning. I personally would first talk to your neighbor and maybe see if he even knows that his horse is tied down there. I dont see why he would be lying and keeping it down there, unless he couldnt afford to keep it in a stable anymore and he couldnt bare parting with it. It is dangerous for a horse to be kept like this. No matter how old the horse is, if you were able to get down to it, anyone or anything could also. It must be scary for the horse at night and if it spooked it could hurt itself or get wrapped up in such a long lead rope. The sad part is that you arent really going to see much weightloss right away if he has only been there for less than a week, and by the sounds off it, it seeems to me that whoever ther horse belongs to is just hoping it will survive off of the grass down there. As i said before, talk to your neighbor and if he just dismisses it then i personally would call authorities because that it public property and you cant keep a horse there like that. Good luck! hope it works out for the horses sake!
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